

Job searching can be very exhausting and sometimes disappointing especially when you've sent out your resume to several organizations but no feedback at all. Keep your energy level high and stay positive during your job search. Know your strengths and what you want, then search for jobs with that in mindset.

  1. Let people know you are searching

 This might be a bit uncomfortable at the start but you have to work whatever contacts you have and let them know you are searching for a job. You never know who could refer you to a job opening or refer you to potential employers. Start with family and friends, then reach out to any professional contacts you have. Recruiter websites that usually help students to find jobs or internships are also a plus. Just send your CV. If you don't get your current dream job, they might just save the CV and call you when they have an opening.

  1. Find ways in which you can add value to an organization

  Research any organization(s) you'd like to work for and find ways you can be of benefit to it. Is there a job you can create or a role there that suits you? Don't apply for a job just to pay bills but focus on building a career. Usually look for a gap within an organization, new communication technology, easier delivery ideas, or even management level innovations. 

  1. Grow your network

The importance of building a strong professional network can not be stressed enough. Attend professional association meetings regularly-- this will help you expand your professional contacts. Also build a professional online presence on websites like LinkedIn, where employers tend to check when they are looking for new employees.

  1. Don’t stop applying

While you are waiting to hear from an employer, don’t stop applying. Most job seekers are rejected by over 15 employers before landing a job, so keep applying until you get the right offer. If you’re getting tired of looking for jobs, your positive demeanor could turn negative in the wrong environment like during interviews. Persistence is key, that “never give up” attitude will keep you going and be sure you will be happy at the end of it all. 

  1. Look for training opportunities and sharpen your skills

Volunteering is working for an organization for free, but it's also an organization training you for free. This is a win-win situation. Take every challenge as an opportunity to know something new. At the end of the day, you'll find that you know an industry winning skill, which is also a plus when it comes to recruiters and direct employers. Look for local organizations near you where you can volunteer in any department where you can apply your skills well. This will add in your CV and also allow you to network with professionals who might help you get your next job.  

  1. Have a job search strategy

This simply means that you should have a plan when searching for a job. Don’t apply for anything and everything, this might later come back and be exhausting, you will have to customize your CV for everything you are applying for.

The best thing is to apply for jobs within your field or a field that is related. This helps you to have one mindset in what you want. 

  1. Follow up on pending Job applications

Draft a job to follow up email with a clear subject (eg, Follow up on the job application for X position) to make it easier to spot. Be polite in the email indicating what you want to know and be straight to the point and be brief too.

Hopefully, the above points will help you in whatever you are doing. If you probably follow all these tips but still you’re not getting any feedback from your job applications, then you can review your resume and if you missed our tips on a good CV you can find it here. If maybe you landed an interview but they didn’t call you back, you can check out 5 things employers look for in a job interview and how to dress up for an interview.


All the best.